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Welcome to Algebra 1: Part 1!

I am looking forward to the advantages that out new class format will offer! The blog will be posted on Monday and will be graded each Friday. Remember to include your first name and intial of your last name to get credit for the blog.

Submission must be completed in paragraph form and use proper grammer usage and mechanics. No "texting lingo" please! Keep the following information in mind in your entries, but please, give us your personal impressions as well! We are interested in your opinions and what you feel you are learning!

Happy Blogging!

Mrs. Lehman

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Puzzling Pentomino Paths


  1. By using the "easier" pentominos shown in number 2 I determined that the first pentomino is an easier path for the ants. I decided this because a straight line is always easier. Since the ants can only right and down (and not left and up) I figured they could go down once and then go right the rest of the way or vice versa. In total they can go about six different ways, so the first pentomino can allow all the ants to arrive at point x.

    1. That wasn't the problem it was what has the most ant routes.

  2. the one on the right because it has seven different ways you can get from point A to point X. The one on the left has only five ways to reach point X.

  3. actually the one on the left has 6 ways and the one on the right has 9 ways for the easier ones and the ones at the top are 12 and 9

  4. actually the one on the left has 6 ways and the one on the right has 9 ways for the easier ones and the ones at the top are 12 and 9
